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Diversity & Inclusion Workshop mit Imran Rehman

Imran Rehman Diversity & Inclusion Workshop SAATKORN

Imran Rehman Diversity & Inclusion Workshop SAATKORN

Die Initiative #hrespect führt am kommenden Donnerstag, 9.9., 18 Uhr einen kostenlosen Diversity & Inclusion Workshop durch. Der Belonging & Inclusive Specialist Imran Rehman aus Wien führt Euch durch die Themen. Imran ist Founder von Kokoro und absoluter Profi in diesem Themenbereich.

Der Diversity & Inclusion Workshop selbst findet in deutscher Sprache statt, der Einfachheit halber hat Imran meine Fragen hier auf Englisch beantwortet. Auf geht’s: 

SAATKORN: Imran, bitte stelle Dich den SAATKORN Leser:innen doch kurz vor.

I am an employee-experience specialist with an expertise in the science of belonging and developing build-measure-learn cycles for teams. I come from London, UK and am currently based in Vienna. I also work as a leadership coach and am the CEO of Kokoro, a web-based tool that helps create the conditions for healthy high-performance in teams and advancing employee experience in real time with a data informed approach.
You can connect with me here: Linkedin, Twitter or through our webpage

Imran Rehman ist Belonging & Inclusive Specialist

SAATKORN: Du bezeichnest Dich als „Belonging & Inclusive Specialist“. Beschreib doch bitte mal, was Du da genau machst.
I help organisations, teams and leaders understand what belonging is, and why we need to focus on it If we want the best out of our people. If the human need for belonging isn’t fulfilled, our brains go into worry overdrive and we don’t function. Yet if we feel included and valued for what we do, we are able to give our very best and participate in making any transformation effort a success. In a nutshell, I want to end the era of “cultural fit” that has led to so much exclusivity, human inequities as well as so much untapped potential in our teams. My wish is to see all organisations and leaders become more inclusive in everything thing they do and create. And at the heart of this process is to ensure that every one feels they belong!

SAATKORN: Wie bist Du auf die #hrespect Initiative aufmerksam geworden?

I stumbled upon it via Katharina Kurz, the co-founder of BRLO craft beer. She posted something on LinkedIn with the hashtag #hrrespect and their motto – LoveHR, Hate Racisim. I then approached her and she did an intro to Yvonne Kalthöfer, who then has helped and assisted me all the way until today. A big thanks to them and the #hrrespect team for this opportunity to present a topic that has been close to my heart for over 30+ years with little movement until the Covid -19 pandemic started.

Diversity & Inclusion Workshop von #hrespect

SAATKORN: Kommenden Donnerstag findet nun ein Workshop zum Thema Diversity & Inclusion statt. Was dürfen die Teilnehmer:innen erwarten?

You can expect an interactive workshop, where I will share why here and now is the best place to start building a more responsible organisation for a more inclusive future. We will explore questions like whose responsibility is it to care about an inclusive future and to move the organisation in the right direction! It is Yours’? Your leaders’? How can an organization lead with care and impact?

Disturb to Evolve, Building the responsible organization in an inclusive future, is a thought-provoking session and we hope to provide answers and hands-on examples on how our leaders and organisations can understand this topic better and take action.

SAATKORN: Wo kann man sich für den Workshop anmelden?

All you need to do is send an email to Yvonne Kalthöfer who is the HR lead at BRLO beers in Berlin and she will register you. It’s that simple. And here’s her email See you Thursday at 6pm.

SAATKORN: Imran Rehman, herzlichen Dank für die Infos. Und viel Spaß und Erfolg mit Kokoro und auch Donnerstag mit dem Diversity & Inclusion Workshop!

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